When is Best Time to taste Whole Beans | Reborn Coffee

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Best Time for Whole Beans

The peak optimal time to consume our whole beans coffee is ideally 3 to 5 days off roast.

This is not to say that the coffee goes bad after 5 days, as it is fresh up to 4 to 6 weeks.

We also recommend grinding your beans right before brewing your coffee.

This ensures freshness and maximum flavor.


Best time to enjoy whole beans - Reborn Coffee

Best time to enjoy whole beans - Reborn Coffee

Equipment Method
  • Brewer: V60 or Kalita Wave 135
  • Prewet paper filter & discard drained water
  • Paper Filter
  • 0:00 sec - 60g bloom
  • How Water (206F)
  • 0:45 sec - 200g 1st pour
  • Coffee Grinder: EK43-7, Fellow Ode - 1
  • 1:15 ~ 1:30 sec - 300g 2nd pour
  • 20 grams ground coffee
  • Total 300g water, finish by 3:00 min
  • Coffee and Water Ratio - 1 : 16